Friday, May 28, 2010

Sacramento Bee online poll finds strong opposition to Arizona boycott

As of May 28th, the Sacramento Bee's online poll is showing strong opposition to the Sac City Councils planned Arizona boycott by a margin of 648 to 41! This is 94% oppostion.

What are Rob Fong and the Sacramento City Council thinking here?

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are you angry about the proposed Arizona boycott?

Are you angry that the City of Sacramento, already millions of dollars in debt, is wasting valuable time on an Arizona boycott?

Do you feel like boycotting Arizona actually harms the vulnerable, such as hotel maids and convention workers, more than the AB1070 law?

Are you puzzled by the uproar over AB 1070, when the basic terms of the law are in agreement with US Immigration code Sec 1304, as well as California Penal code 834b?

Do you feel that the Sacramento City council has overstepped their bounds on this one?

Well now it's time to stand up and hold the Sacramento City council responsible. Let's start by sending a message to the businesses in boycott leader Rob Fong's District 4. District 4 covers the south side of downtown Sacramento, through Land Park, and South Land Park and into Greenhaven.

Do what you can to avoid businesses in these areas. And more importantly, let those businesses know why you are not there. Be polite & concise - your simple answer is that you are opposing Rob Fong's misguided Arizona boycott.