Thursday, May 27, 2010

Are you angry about the proposed Arizona boycott?

Are you angry that the City of Sacramento, already millions of dollars in debt, is wasting valuable time on an Arizona boycott?

Do you feel like boycotting Arizona actually harms the vulnerable, such as hotel maids and convention workers, more than the AB1070 law?

Are you puzzled by the uproar over AB 1070, when the basic terms of the law are in agreement with US Immigration code Sec 1304, as well as California Penal code 834b?

Do you feel that the Sacramento City council has overstepped their bounds on this one?

Well now it's time to stand up and hold the Sacramento City council responsible. Let's start by sending a message to the businesses in boycott leader Rob Fong's District 4. District 4 covers the south side of downtown Sacramento, through Land Park, and South Land Park and into Greenhaven.

Do what you can to avoid businesses in these areas. And more importantly, let those businesses know why you are not there. Be polite & concise - your simple answer is that you are opposing Rob Fong's misguided Arizona boycott.


  1. Instead of going to Macy's downtown, I took a ride to Roseville in th eweek-end. It was a great feeling.

  2. Instead of voting to recall the city counsel, why not vote to rescind the city councel's action to boycott, and make it illegal for them to take such political actions again?
    It would probably have a lot better change of passing.

  3. With all the failed efforts to revitalize downtown, this would be a good target of boycotts. This has been a big project for decades, they've spent tons of money there, and things only get worse. Now that the Hard Rock cafe has left, there is almost nothing left except Macy's and I hear they are thinking of leaving. So even better to specifically target downtown Macy's, and let Macy know.

  4. We have lived and worked in the Sacramento area for almost 17 years. We moved here from Hawaii in 1994 for more affordable housing and better schools. The better schools were just a myth and I quit my job to oversee may son’s education. At on point I was forced to sue the school district for non performance since I had a child who was entering the third grade who clearly could not read. For the money it cost them to provide him the outside instruction that he should have received in their setting, they should have put that money into their own staff training. He was reading within three weeks time after they had wasted three years of his life. In the end I pulled him from the Rescue Union School District and put him into California Montessori School where he flourished. Today he is bright successful college student at Folsom Lake College, no thanks to the public school system. Yet our tax dollars continue to go these under performing public schools that we have to pull our kids out of. As for the cost of living in California, it has so increased that my relatives in Hawaii have been enjoying life at substantially less cost than us for many years now.

    We have watched our hard earned tax dollars being squandered and wasted over the years by uncontrolled government spending and garbage bills just like this one. What are you doing? What the hell are you even thinking about trying pass a bill like this? Haven’t you driven enough hard working residents and the businesses they take with them out of this state???? If it isn’t something stupid like this, it’s’ a new tax or a new fee. Let’s see, we raised the DMV fees last year and apparently that’s not enough so now they are talking about raising those fees again! You guys are doing a bang up job of absolutely choking the economic growth in this state. We earn close to $200,000 a year and after paying the DMV fees, outrageous utility bills and “other fees”, there is nothing to put away for a rainy day, nothing left go out to dinner on etc. Nothing left period! Although we love the area, our desire to stay here is gone. So, we are taking our hard earned money away from California this year. We are done supporting all the illegal aliens that you so happily welcome with open arms, who put nothing back into our economy. Instead while collecting all of our social services, medical and food stamps etc, they send all of their cash under the table, tax free dollars back to Mexico while this state continues to raise our taxes as an answer to this problem….as an answer to your uncontrolled government waste and uncontrolled government spending.

    We shouldn’t have to be the ones the one to tell you to focus on supporting your school system instead of robbing it’s funding, and while you are at it, PLEASE REMEMBER…THAT ENGLISH IS THE PRIMARY LANGUAGE SPOKEN IN THE UNITED STATES. Therefore we don’t need funding for Spanish speaking teachers.

    Focus on the budget, what little there is of it and brainstorming on putting growth back into the economy here instead of bleeding the people to death who support this state! Start by closing the borders immediately instead boycotting Arizona. Get some good advice from governor Jan Brewer about how to go about taking down the “Bird Feeders”, and sending the illegal aliens back to Mexico to bleed their own county dry. For just that, our crime rate would drop dramatically, our prisons would empty and our deficit would disappear overnight. You politicians do nothing but past these ridiculous bills that cost the state a fortune to enforce and run people out in droves! Have you thought about focusing on the REAL problems, not this garbage?

  5. We had already decided to boycott spending money in Sacramento because of their AZ boycott; this includes plays & restaurants. Your site is nice; thanks for creating it and having the link to the city boundaries.

  6. I will not shop in Sacramento as a protest (via my $$$.$$) against the shear stupitidy of the Sacramento City council's AZ boycott.

    I'm so glad I can do just a little bit to do my part in protest to help vent my frustration. Jim C

  7. Just cancelled an appointment with a medical specialist I was referred to. My doctor's office found me another doctor/specialist in Carmichael. Also, I told my daughter to find a place for her wedding recption OUTSIDE of city limits.

  8. I have also stopped shopping in Sacramento. I drove to Folsom last weekend to shop instead. And I drove an extra 10 minutes today, to make sure I purchased gas outside of the city limits.

    My husband, who works in Sacramento, has scheduled his lunch meetings for Davis and Roseville instead. On the days that he works in his office, it is worth the extra 15 minute drive into Davis to buy lunch.

    It might take a little extra effort, but it makes us feel good to stand up for values that we believe in. No way is Sacramento getting an extra dime of our tax money until the City Council recalls this ridiculous boycott. They are supposed to represent us, the PEOPLE, and what WE want, and they are doing the opposite.

    My parents, siblings, and in-laws are all outraged and doing the same thing. We all need to do our part to pass the word along even further!

  9. I'm part of the planning committee for my company christmas party. We always hold it downtown in one of the hotels. We spend thousands of dollars on food, drinks and decorations. I just convinced everyone on the committee to move it to the Folsom area instead. I just canceled our reservation for the downtown hotel and told them why. The person at the hotel told me that I was her third cancelation in a week for the same reason. Seems like there are a lot of unhappy people with our mayor.....

  10. There are some troubles with this - specifically in the consumption of soda. COKE is bottled by the Sacramento Bottling Company - it is sold pretty much EVERYWHERE Coke products are sold, WAL-MART included. After I noticed that I decided then that I must give up my favorite beverage of choice...I even emailed the bottling company to let them know why I wouldn't be purchasing their products anymore.

  11. As I too have joined the "Sacramento Boycott" movement. I am sadened that it will probably cost some people jobs and earnings. Our mayor and council is more interested in "making political hay" than the wellfare of hardworking business people in our comunity.

  12. I buy gasoline only in the county now. Every little bit hurts Sacramento as the council wishes to hurt Arizona! What is good for the goose must surely be good for the gander , right Mr johnson? And to believe I voted for you ! Foolish me!!!! Not again !!!!
